our approach

Your customers’ future

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What do you stand for?

human. centered. insights


We believe that the world would be a better place if more customer experiences were based on intelligent user insights. That is also our offset when delivering or designing a project to a client.

​We believe that getting started right is a prerequisite for generating the ideas and business opportunities that will form the products of tomorrow.

​We believe that any successful change must be stimulated by a truly customer centric approach (and outside-in thinking)

​Designing the optimal insight framework to properly understand and empathize with the human using the product or service is one of our key competencies.



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A people focused process


Design thinking is partly buzz and fuzz. However the underlying concept of thinking like a designer is a great framework for developing human centered solutions to real world problems. 

​Our team of experts range from market research analysts, to tech nerds, anthropologist and designers. Creating a unique position for delivering value to both the customer and the business.

No projects however, are identical. We therefore always tailor the project design to the client and project. 

This is how we use design thinking

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In the scoping phase, we bring the stakeholders both from the client and our consultants together in a room. Now we hypothesize, we ask questions, we bring existing knowledge and ideas forward and we agree on the overall scope and focus of the project. Better scoping, much better output.



When analyzing, we use a mix of research methodologies. This could be mobile ethnography if we need to get close to everyday situations which are otherwise impossible to get access to. We might use qualitative questionnaires to track overall changes in people’s perception of problems or brands.



With all that great data collected we use different tools for pattern recognition. The point here is to define business opportunity areas that can be further explored later in the project. Getting the right focus, or the right split of e.g. jobs-to-be-done is key to a successful development phase.



For some, this is the fun part, for others this is the harder part. Ideation is where we look at the opportunity areas, and we try to solve the pains and jobs of the customer. We know from studies and experience that most ideas will fail, so instead of getting hooked on an idea we quickly discus how to test the solution in real life.

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Refining and testing

Working iteratively is highly important in all aspects of designing new services and products. You’ll probably never get it right first time. Think of AirBnB, their initial idea was to rent out air mattresses with a cheap breakfast, but that idea quickly evolved into something else. We therefore also involve users during the refining and testing phase.

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designers toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilties of technology, and the requirements for business success.
— Tim Brown - CEO @ IDEO

Some of the great companies we’ve worked with




Stine Halberg

sha@wilke.dk // + 45 21 63 21 19

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