OUr service to you

Start with people

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what can i expect?

Full-service insights. Product and Service Experience Specialists.


The required level of insights varies significantly across projects and clients. Through almost 20 years of experience we’re proud to say we are partly a full-service insights agency and partly product and service experience specialist.

​We focus on delivering human insights at the right level of detail. Ranging from simple web panel questionnaires, to mobile ethnography and in depth interviews. We analyze how people, see a situation, what they hear, how they feel and think, as well as what they do and say. It’s all part of emphasizing the needs of the user.

We also develop, ideate and (co-)create new products, services and customers experiences with our clients and their customers, in order to create a world with more great customer experiences. 

We are based in Denmark, but we provide insights across Europe, through strong partnerships with local experts, providing you with one point of contact.

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Our services

Check out our services below. Hopefully you’ll find what you are looking for.


Human insights

Our starting point is always based on human insights. We know how to find and source the right respondents, we utilise both big and thick data methodologies to gather the insights and we activate the insights so you know what you need to do next. Let us help you in your next sprint.

See how we roll


Tomorrow’s winning companies truly understand their customers’ needs and serve these needs more efficiently than their competitors. A bumpy customer journey risks losing potential customers as well as decreasing satisfaction, loyalty and recommendations.

We’re worked on a large number of customer experience design projects and hope to show you how we might help you.

Check out our process


Innovation and renovation? Are you trying to marginally strengthen your products or are you looking to complete redefine a category? Your starting point and vision has large impact pm which methods to utilise to strengthen the chance of success.

We know a lot of agile methodologies for easily testing and iterating with your customers. From pretotyping to MVP’s, to storyboards and mock-ups. We’re here to help

Let’s pretotype that

Advanced analytics

Bringing data together from different sources can create significant business value and new business opportunities. We specialize in adding 3rd party data sources to your existing internal datasets. The combined dataset can be visualized either with our SaaS dashboard solutions, based on Tableau software or in your own BI software.

Fire up the systems



Stine Halberg

sha@wilke.dk // +45 21 63 21 19

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